Monday, October 17, 2011

My First Spray Paint Experience

This weekend I did my first DIY project with spray paint.  Here are some of the pictures from this weekend.  

This is one primed and one in its original state.

This is what they look like finished.

This is what the lamp looked like finished  
Not bad for my first of many projects.  These will both be going in our Grey Master Bedroom

Monday, October 10, 2011

Lawn Jenga

This is our New Saw we got for a house warming gift from a friend of ours we thought it would be great to test it out on a simple project making Lawn Jenga
This is me sanding them after Jeff cut the 2" x 4"
Then we tested it out.  I thought we did pretty good for just a hours worth of work. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

First Pictures of Our House!

 Here are some pictures to start off.  These were taken just yesterday.  We finally have some grass growing and a paved driveway!